
Compensation for curbside recycling paid by businesses

Complicated reporting process for a food retailer

The challenge

First, it should be specified that curbside recycling compensation programs only require that applicable businesses declare the containers, packaging and printed matter that are destined for “residential” clients. That said, many businesses, to simplify the reporting process and save time, declare the packaging for all of the products they put on the market, not subtracting that used for non-residential purposes. So, while they may be saving time, they are unnecessarily paying larger contributions to the approved organizations.

The solution

Here is a real-life example. A retailer asked us if there was a way to lower his eco-fee bill, which he found to be quite high. Wanting to save time, he had simply declared all of the containers, packaging and printed matter he had purchased from his suppliers, not only those he was required to. In light of this, we developed a methodology, conducted a characterization study as well as an internal investigation to calculate the containers, packaging and printed matter used exclusively at the store and by his commercial clients. We then subtracted these amounts from the initial report, which lowered the retailer’s financial contribution to Éco Entre-prises Québec.

“Many businesses, to simplify the reporting process and save time, declare the packaging for all of the products they put on the market.”