Eco-Friendly Holidays: Reducing Your Ecological Footprint During the Festive Season
Here are some tips on how to celebrate to the fullest during the holiday season while minimizing your impact on the environment.
Divergences in the Display of Ecofees for Online Commerce: Challenges and Solutions
Online commerce continues to grow in popularity and it is crucial to address discrepancies in the display of ecofees.
The Sustainable Transformation of a Retail Business: From Plastic Excess to Environmental Responsibility
Discover the story of “Naturally Yours”: how this company managed to move from excessive use of plastic to environmental responsibility.
Evnia Announces Its SOC 2 Type I Certification
This certification confirms that the policies, procedures and controls implemented at Evnia comply with rigorous standards in terms of security, availability and confidentiality of its customers' data.
Engaging Employees in CSR: How to Involve the Entire Team for Positive Impact in Your Company
CSR is crucial for the retail sector. Involving teams through awareness, cultural integration, CSR committees, rewards, voluntary participation, and result communication enhances engagement. A matter of attractiveness and success, employee commitment will help shape a sustainable future, bolstering the responsible image of retail.
Five Economic (and Environmental) Benefits of Corporate Social Responsibility
Corporate Social Responsibility provides economic and environmental benefits. Here are 5 advantages that companies can benefit from by turning to CSR.
Plastic Recycling and Ecofees: Crucial Issues for the Retail Industry
Like managing ecofees, plastic recycling is a critical issue for the retail industry. This Canadian Environment Week, it is crucial that we act collectively to reduce our ecological footprint.
Find Your Way Around the Acronyms!
2023.05.04 Pour s’y retrouver avec les acronymes! Dans tous les domaines, on y retrouve des acronymes distinctifs et celui de l’écofiscalité n’y échappe pas! Particulièrement dans le domaine de la responsabilité élargie des producteurs (REP), il existe de nombreux acronymes qui peuvent être complexes à bien comprendre pour un néophyte. Faisons le tour des principaux qui pourront vous […]
The Challenges of Implementing EPR Programs in Developing Countries
2023.04.28 Les défis de l’implémentation des programmes de REP dans les pays en développement La responsabilité élargie des producteurs (REP) est un concept clé dans la gestion des déchets et la lutte contre la pollution. Il s’agit d’un cadre politique qui oblige les producteurs à prendre en charge la gestion de leurs produits en fin […]
Ontario’s changes to its Blue Box Program: What does this mean for businesses that sell products in Ontario?
2023.03.14 Que signifient les changements apportés au programme des boîtes bleues de l’Ontario pour les entreprises qui y vendent des produits? Au cours des dernières années, le gouvernement de l’Ontario a proposé de nombreuses initiatives et lois afin d’assurer la transition vers une province sans déchets. De récents changements à la législation et aux organismes […]